How Can I Use the EMS Library?
- Total books in circulation – 13,655
- 25 student computers are located in the library
When is the library open?
Our hours are 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. Notice of closings will be given when possible.
When can I use the library?
You can use the library for circulation and research whenever accompanied by a teacher or with a pass. You must sign in at the Circulation Desk if you visit with a pass.
How many books may I borrow?
You may borrow up to 3 books at a time. You can request to become a “trusted borrower” and increase your book limit to 5 at a time. See Ms. Overstreet for more information.
What library items can I borrow?
You may borrow any fiction or nonfiction book. Items marked as Reference may be borrowed overnight.
How do I check out?
When you are finished making your selection, bring the books to the Circulation Desk. Ms. Overstreet or a student aide will check out your books.
How long can I keep the books?
You can check out books for up to 2 weeks. If you want to keep the books longer, make sure to renew them in the library by the due date.
My book is due but I’m not finished reading it. Can I renew it?
Yes, if you need more time than the original two-week loan period, you can bring it to the library for renewal.
What if the book I want is already on loan to another student?
You can ask us to hold the book for you.
Where should I return the books?
- the book drop located at the end of the Circulation Desk
- the book drop located outside the library doors
- the book return crate in your English Language Arts teacher's room
How do I know when my book is due?
Check your email! An email is sent when you borrow a book to remind you of the due date. Reminder emails are also sent two days before and the day your book is due. You can also check in Destiny (access via ClassLink) by clicking on "My Stuff."
What happens if I return a book late?
There is no fee for overdue books. However, you cannot borrow additional books until the overdue book(s) is returned.
What if I can’t find the book(s)?
If you cannot return the items before the end of the semester, the items are considered lost.
May I borrow other books if I have a late book or fee?
All late books must be returned before you can borrow more books. You can make payments on lost/damaged book fees and continue to borrow books.
When can I search the library collection through Destiny?
You can search the library collection from any computer with internet access. Click the Destiny Library Collection shortcut in ClassLink to search for books and check your patron record.
What if the library does not have a book I am looking for?
You can place the title(s) on our student suggestion list. I will do my best to purchase your suggestion(s).
Do we have a digital library?
Yes! You can borrow ebooks and audiobooks through Sora (download the app to your device or access via ClassLink) and you can read ebooks in myON.
When can I use library computers for Internet research?
If you are assigned a research project, your teacher will schedule time for you to come to the library and use the computers. You may also use the library to research without a class.
Can I use the computers to play games, listen to music, or watch videos?
No. The computers are to be used for school work only.
Can I print?
Yes, you can print completed assignments for class, but there is a fee. Always ask for permission before printing.
Library Rules
- No food, drink, or gum is allowed.
- Computers are for school work only (no gaming!).
- Follow school rules.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Treat books kindly.
- Return books on time.
- Read, Read, READ!
Fines and Fees
- Printing – $.10 per page, black & white
- Lost book – $21 hardcover, $10 paperback